His music is raw, candid, and real. President Clinton uses his music to reveal himself: uncut. “Music is an outlet for me to expose who I am to the world. I have a distinct story to tell; a story of overcoming.”
President Clinton was born Clinton Sellers in the projects of Baltimore City, MD. Growing up in the 90s music had a great influence on his life. “I had a mature ear for music at a young age. Sade and Nas were my artists of choice.”  At the age of 11 he began the music journey for himself. It all started with fun rap battles between he and his cousins then eventually shifted into a craft that he wanted to perfect. 
With the lyrical influences of Nas and Jay Z, Clinton quickly developed a love for the art of rap. He named himself Cyrus Da God after a great Persian King that conquered the most land ever known to man. 
He wanted to conquer the music industry; gaining the most fans known to man.  This was a way for the young boy to express himself. “A lot of my material was geared toward experiences that I had encountered while growing up in the projects of Baltimore City. It didn’t just focus on the negative aspects, but also the positives that I made of my situation.” In addition to music Clinton also was an athlete. He played basketball from the tender age of three up until his junior year of college. 

 In the summer of 2010 he made the decision to relocate to Los Angeles. At this point Clinton realized that his life had shifted.  Basketball took the backseat and his music became the priority. With this transition, his mind was opened to a new world and thus he had new experiences to expose through his music. “Once I moved to LA, I had a culture shock. I meant all types of people from different walks of life. I also got a glimpse of what the “good life” could be. 
Now I find that some of my new material is definitely a bit more light-hearted, focusing on the joy of living and making the most out it. Whether it’s partying and acting a fool or being in that quiet place reflecting on life.”
President Clinton wants his music to be universal which actually birth the name President Clinton itself. Anyone who is willing to listen, relate and vibe along with him are considered his fans. Going along with his candid attitude President Clinton believes, “I am the best at what I do. 
If you ain’t with me, you against me.” The goal is to eventually become a household name across the world and to collaborate with the greatest in the industry. Success for him is simple. “Success is being content and happy with the choices you’ve made. 
Success is always achieving your goals and your goals should never stop forming; therefore, success is infinite.” President Clinton’s most recent success is the completion of his mix CD, “Made It Out The Hood”. This project features all original material written by President Clinton himself and is kicking off his campaign to make it to the top.